During this renovation and the state mandatory school closing, if you have questions or concerns, please utilize the following points of contact for information.
Lynnette Moore | Principal | lynnette_moore@hcpss.org
Kimberly Hess | Assistant Principal | kimberly_hess@hcpss.org
Mary Anne Emery | Principal's Secretary | maryanne_emery@hcpss.org
FAX: 443-973-5543 During this time, faxes will be converted to pdf files and emailed to Mary Anne Emery and forwarded to the intended recipient.
Phone: 410-313-5545 During this time phone messages will be retrieved remotely and returned as soon as possible. Emailing your concerns or questions is a more efficient means of communication at this time.
April Snyder | School Counseling Secretary | april_snyder@hcpss.org
Kimberly Hess | Assistant Principal | kimberly_hess@hcpss.org
Mary Anne Emery | Principal's Secretary | maryanne_emery@hcpss.org
Tina Barnard | Data Clerk | tina_barnard@hcpss.org