About Us

Lynnette Moore

Lynnette Moore


Email: lynnette_moore@hcpss.org

Christopher Nobis

Christopher Nobis

Assistant Principal

Email: christopher_nobis@hcpss.org

School Overview


Home of the Falcons

Our Mission

Mount View Middle School is committed to academic excellence as we educate young adolescents in a safe and innovative environment in which we appreciate diversity and promote learning for a lifetime.

Who We Are

Mount View Middle School is committed to academic excellence as we educate young adolescents in a safe and innovative environment in which we appreciate diversity and we promote learning for a lifetime. The goal for academic excellence inspires us to prepare all students to be successful in the globally dynamic 21st century. The goal for a safe and innovative environment integrates teaching and learning with technology tools, character development, and cultural diversity. The Peregrine Falcon is our mascot and we model this fast-flying bird as we SOAR TO SUCCESS.

We actively nurture a climate where respect, responsibility, and readiness to learn are modeled and valued. Middle school adolescents are eager and enthusiastic, and through Student Government, Peer Mediation, PRIDE Team, Spirit Team, MVTV, Green Team, and other programs, our students share an important voice in school decisions. Together we strive to appreciate differences, recognize commonalities, and celebrate small successes and big achievements every day.

A strong and active PTA bridges the partnerships with home and families. Supportive business partners help encourage learning for the real world. Service learning projects provide opportunities for giving back to our local community and our worldwide community. More than 1200 individuals are connected through eSchoolnewsletter, Teacher Ease, and eScript donations. We also are proud of our website which hosts daily news, class links, innovative resources for student forums and research, and pictures/video clips to showcase our student activities.

As a school community, Mount View Middle School values students, staff, and parents who are working together to achieve our individual best and our collective excellence. We continue to embrace bold steps to promote positive school improvement and to ensure we meet the fast-paced needs of our learners. We base our actions on what we know about middle level children, the analysis of data, ongoing articulation and communication, continuing professional development, and the flexibility to adapt to the growing demands of diverse and challenging world.

Mount View Middle School is Green

Visit our Green School Website

The Maryland State Department of Education (MSDE) School Report Card reflects overall school performance using a combination of academic and school quality indicators.
Fast facts about Mount View Middle School listing special programs, total enrollment, accomplishments and more.

Cluster 5 Board of Education Representative

Howard County public schools are divided into school clusters, which are assigned to individual Board members to facilitate school visitations, attend special events, and provide a point of contact for each school community. View all BOE school cluster assignments.

Mount View Middle School BOE Representative: Andrea Chamblee