Flu Vaccination Clinic: 10/11/18 Thu, 09/20/2018 - 13:17 Consent forms are due 9/21. Register online or download the consent form.
G6 Outdoor Education 2018 Thu, 09/20/2018 - 12:51 Missed the Information Night? Here is what was covered.
Back to School Night is this Thursday, 9/13/18 Fri, 09/07/2018 - 09:52 We look forward to having you visit Mount View Middle School, meet your child’s teachers and learn more about the classes your child is taking this year!
Miss Orientation 2018? Here is the Scoop! Fri, 08/31/2018 - 14:40 Homeroom Lists, Mr. Cosentino's Presentation, and maps of the school!
Health Room Medication Drop Off Fri, 08/17/2018 - 13:31 The Health Room will be open to accept student medications beginning August 24.
Join us for the Back to School Block Party! Fri, 08/17/2018 - 11:32 Reconnect with friends, neighbors, and school staff!