Principal's Corner Summer 2018

Happy New Year! I’d like to take this opportunity to welcome you to the 2018-2019 school year at Mount View Middle School. I hope your summer has been filled with family, friends and fun. While we do not have our wonderful students during the summer, we’ve been busy getting ready for another terrific school year.  This year, we will continue to provide an engaging and positive school climate for all students. Students should be prepared to grow as learners by being academically challenged and building positive relationships with their teachers and peers.


The faculty of Mount View Middle School is dedicated to the success of each student. Our goal is to support and encourage our students in achieving his/her maximum potential by instilling an intrinsic sense of worth, academic curiosity and a life-long love of learning. While rigor and performance are important, our focus is also on the child’s well-being. Together, with parents, students and staff, we will build a bright future for every student.


Please help me welcome the newest Falcon Teachers to The Nest.  We are honored to welcome our new staff to Mount View. They are eager to get started and to get to know our wonderful community.


Robin Balimtas - reading specialist

Andrea Katkow - 7th grade science

Rachel Ludlow - art

Jung Nam - 6th grade math

Nicole Meshbesher - school psychologist

April Snyder - teacher's secretary


I look forward to seeing our new students and parents at orientation on August 30 (See The ViewPoint and/or our website for additional information). We will also have a PTA Welcome Back Block Party on August 30 from 5-7PM to for our returning students and the community to kick off a fantastic year on a positive note.  Keep an eye out for important information in the weekly ViewPoint, our website and the HCPSS website.


I look forward to our collaboration on another great year at Mount View Middle School.



Allen Cosentino
