Upcoming Important Dates for 8th Graders and Parents of 8th Graders

  • Friday, December 15  8:20-9:20 AM. MRHS representatives will present an introduction to Marriotts Ridge and all it has to offer in the cafeteria for an 8th grade assembly.
  • Mrs. O'Ferrall, grade 8 counselor, will be working with all 8th graders on Monday, December 18 and Tuesday, December 19 through their History classes to present more high school registration procedures, answer questions, and make sure all students know where to find important information regarding the course catalog and registration forms.January 11 at 7 PM in the Marriotts Ridge Auditorium.  Mark your calendars for this important Incoming 9th Grade Parent Orientation. (Snow date is Tuesday, January 16 at 7 PM at MRHS)
  • Stay tuned for more information coming home via email and your student.

Please contact Kathy O'Ferrall in Student Services at 410-313-5549 or at koferrall@hcpss.org