From the Health Room

New Immunization Requirements for the 2016-17 School Year

There are new immunization requirements for students entering the seventh grade.  In addition to current required vaccinations, the following will be required for all 7th, 8th & 9th graders:  a single dose of MCV4 (meningococcal) and Tdap (Tenanus, diptheria, perussis/whooping cough).  Parents should contact their health care provider during the summer to determine if their child requires additional immunizations.  Please provide any updated immunization records to the health room by the first day of school, August 29th, 2016.

All medical forms can be found on the Howard County Public School System website at

FREE Immunization Clinics

The Howard County Health Department is holding FREE Immunization Clinics this summer.   Please see the attached Howard County Health Department flier for further information & dates.  All clinics will be held at the Howard County Health Department located at 8930 Stanford Blvd., Columbia, MD 21045.  For more information contact Beth Amstad, RN at 410-313-7592 or visit

Medication Orders

Medication Order forms for the coming school year MUST be dated AFTER July 1, 2016.   All medication order forms must be signed by a physician or other licensed provider AND the parent/guardian.  Each medication must have a completed medication order form, a current pharmacy label and be brought to the health room by a parent/guardian.  If medication is over-the-counter, a new unopened bottle is required labeled with students name.  Medication Order forms are available at the school HERE.