A total of 397 students achieved Honor Roll status during the first marking period!  Of those, 114 made the Principal’s Honor Roll with a 4.0 GPA,  135 had Gold Award and 148 were Silver Award.  Congratulations!!   At Mount View Middle School we proudly celebrate our students in many ways for many reasons.  We have, traditionally, celebrated Honor Roll students at the end of each of the first three marking periods. In recent years our 4.0 students were recognized at a breakfast with their parents to celebrate all their hard work and success.  That same day, we celebrated all honor roll students at lunch with a special treat purchased by the PTA from our cafeteria.   Policy 9090, Wellness Through Nutrition and Physical Activity was updated effective September 17, 2015.  As a result of this update, we will need to modify how we celebrate.  All honor roll students will continue to receive a treat after lunch has been served on each lunch shift.  The Advisory schedule will be used that day in order that our 4.0 students can be celebrated from 2:00 to 2:25 without having to miss academic instructional time.  Additionally, honor roll student names will be displayed in the front lobby area.   Students at MVMS achieve Honor Roll by meeting one of the following criteria:
  • Principal’s 4.0 – All A’s
  • Gold Award -- A’s and 1 B
  • Silver Award -- A’s and 2 B’s
  Below are the dates for the Honor Roll Celebrations for the 2015-16 school year. Thank you for sending us your best.
  • November 20, 2015
  • February 12, 2016
  • April 29, 2016
  A special thank you to our PTA for their generosity in purchasing a treat for each of our honor roll students.  It truly makes a difference.   Tammy Goldeisen Principal