June 10, 2022
Important Info from Student Services
If your 6th or 7th-grade student is not returning to Mount View next year, or your 8th grader is not going on to Marriotts Ridge, PLEASE let our Registrar know ASAP. Please email april_snyder@hcpss.org to ensure the records are prepared for your next educational stop. You will need to complete a withdrawal form to properly process your student, and Mrs. Snyder will prepare a Withdraw Packet for you to take to the next school. Any questions can be emailed to april_snyder@hcpss.org, or you can call 410-313-5549. Thank you in advance!
Mathematics Resources for Rising Grade 7 Students
HCPSS has developed online acceleration courses in Canvas to help supplement some of the mathematics content that may be missed when a student skips a course(s). Students may log into Canvas and join the acceleration course by visiting the associated link(s). Students should begin with module 1 of the course they are joining. The expectation is for students to complete each of the modules in the appropriate acceleration course before the start of the 2022-23 school year.
The Mathematics 8 acceleration course is designed for rising 7th-grade students who will skip Mathematics 7. The course contains self-paced Mathematics 7 content. Students may join/access this course by visiting this site.
The Algebra 1 acceleration course is designed for rising 7th/8th-grade students who will skip Pre-Algebra GT or Mathematics 8. The course contains self-paced Mathematics 8 content and some Mathematics 7 content. Students may join/access this course by visiting this site.
Additional student and family mathematics course support is available online at the HCPSS Family Math Support Center (under “Middle School” and “Middle School Course Expectations”)
Pride Month and MVMS Pride Week
June 6 to 10 is HCPSS PRIDE Week in Howard County. Please visit this website to see all of the great activities happening around Howard County next week. MVMS is participating by inviting all students, staff, and community members to color and write a welcoming, inclusive message in the clouds of the rainbow handout during NEST, in allyship of the LGBTQ+ Community. We moved the day from Friday to Monday at MVMS to avoid any conflicts with the other schoolwide activities. The rainbows will be displayed in the cafeteria as a symbol of the inclusivity of our school community.
HPCSS Policy 1080 Highlight:
Provide culturally responsive and relevant curriculum inclusive of but not limited to perspectives from Black, Asian American and Pacific Islander, Latinx, LGBTQ+, indigenous peoples, individuals with disabilities, and other marginalized and oppressed peoples excluded or underrepresented in the current curriculum. The curriculum will use differentiated approaches and resources to meet the needs of every student in accordance with Policy 8000 Curriculum.
Implement a curriculum that teaches students to be global citizens who appreciate and value diverse cultures. As such, the instructional materials used in HCPSS schools reflect the aspirations, history, issues, and achievements of persons from diverse social identifiers, and incorporate a global perspective in accordance with Policy 8040 Selection of Instructional Materials and Policy 8050 Teaching of Controversial Issues.
Lockers and Locks
Students will clean out their lockers next week. (G6 Monday, G7 Tuesday, and G8 Wednesday.) Everything must be removed from the lockers and brought home. You may wish to send your student with a bag for their belongings. On Thursday and Friday, students will not be using lockers.
On Monday, June 13, the lock assigned to your student's locker must be on it, and locked, by the end of the school day. Locks will then be inventoried and students with missing locks will be assessed a $15 replacement fee.
Medication Pick-Up Information
Medication remaining at the end of the school year should be picked up by the parent/guardian prior to/or on Friday, June 17th, the last day of school. Any medication not picked up will be discarded. If you are unable to pick up medication by 11:30 am on June 17th, please contact the health room at 410-313-5550 to make alternate arrangements. Thank you!
Indicators of Educational Equity Survey
As part of our school improvement process, we are asking families to provide input about their equity priorities for our school. Please use the link below to complete the Indicators of Educational Equity Survey. We will use your input and other school data to refine our school improvement plan for the next school year. The survey is anonymous and available in multiple languages. If you have children at more than one school, please complete one survey per school.
The survey links can be found here:
Community News and Events
Please visit the Community News and Programs page for announcements of upcoming events and programs sponsored by non-profit organizations.
Interested in playing Marriotts Ridge Football in the fall?
Weight lifting will begin June 21st from 7:30 am to 9:30 am at Marriotts Ridge High School and will run throughout the summer at those times on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. The first day of football practice will be August 10th. All players need to have a completed physical prior to the first practice of football in the fall. Please contact Coach Holzman at james_holzman@hcpss.org so you can be added to the football contact list.
Upcoming Dates
- June 15 Schools close 3 hours early
- June 16 Schools close 3 hours early
- June 17 Schools close 3 hours early - Last Day