From the Health Room

End of Year Medication Pick-Up Information:

A letter was sent home this week for students who have medication supplied in the health room this school year. The letter explained end of year pick up information.  Any medication not picked up by the end of the student day on Friday, June 21st will be disposed of according to HCPSS policy.  Please contact the health room directly if alternate arrangements for medication pick-up is required.

2019-2020 Medication Forms Information:

Medication order forms for the 2019-2020 school year were also sent home for students this week or may be found online at   Please have all medication forms completed and signed by the physician dated after July 01, 2019. All over the counter medications must arrive in a new, unopened container with a medication form completed by the physician.

Summer School Students:

If your student is attending summer school and currently has medication they will require, you may pick it up from the Health Room and bring it to the summer school location.

Please contact the Health Room with any questions at 410-313-5550.  Thank you!