Nest Time Begins at Mount View

Nest Time is beginning at MVMS this Wednesday, October 10!

What is Nest Time?  

Nest Time is an intentional time period for students to foster an inclusive and nurturing environment, develop positive relationships and build community by recognizing similarities and learning about one another. Students will participate in CIRCLES which is a way to communicate with others. CIRCLES are beneficial because they:

  • Allow for open communication and sharing
  • Provide students a voice
  • Allow for creation of community, harmony, and friendship
  • Promotes problem solving through conversation.

When and where is Nest Time?  

Nest Time will take place 8 times this year on Advisory days. The dates are:  

  • October 10
  • November 14 
  • December 12
  • January 2
  • February 20
  • March 13
  • April 24 
  • June 5

Students report to their same Advisory teacher and room, but on Nest Time days, students will not work on homework or other schoolwork.

We are excited to embrace the HCPSS Vision and Mission which state:

  • Every students and staff member embraces diversity and possesses the skills, knowledge, and confidence to positively influence the larger community.
  • HCPSS ensures academic success and social-emotional well-being for each student in an inclusive and nurturing environment that opportunity gaps.

We are excited and there is more to come Please stay tuned on this new initiative! Please contact your child’s counselor with any questions or concerns at 410-313-5545

Grade 6—Mrs. Angie Szalecki

Grade 7 –Mrs. Linda Won

Grade 8—Mrs. Kathy O’Ferrall