Congrats to our October 2018 Students of the Month!

October's students were chosen for the trait of being FOCUSED. We are proud of these students!

6th Grade Clark Stinebaugh, Morgan Gaither, Dominic Murphy, Jana Borahay, Ryan Lefevre , Sophia Kalaris, Alex Gladstone, Sahasra Pola 7th Grade Dia Shrivastava, Ethan Peters, Tobi Ijiyemi, Roland Brooks, Aya Bazzi, Ashley Dabba, Aidan Ro, Ryan Trimm 8th Grade Mason Chialastri, Sofie Bender, Ansel Casper, Marin Kriner, Suchir Bachu, Cesmani Blango, Alex (Fengchaun) Liu, Grace Ferbert