The following is a summary of the accomplishments of the MVMS Math Club from Coach Catherine Asaro
I'm pleased to announce that MVMS students did an amazing job in many tournaments and events this year. I've collected here some of the final contests we did.
Table of Contents
I) Chesapeake Math Program Awards of Excellence
II) Mathcounts State
III) Carderock and ARML Tournaments
IV) Algebra I Math League Contest
V) Fort Washington Tournament
Each year, CMP gives out awards of excellence to our top students. Given that I had nearly 500 participants eligible this year, it was difficult to pick overall winners without leaving out deserving students. As a result, for each school with large programs such as MVMS, awards of excellence were given to the top students for the year, taking into account all the contests and programs we've done. For schools with fewer students in CMP, the schools were combined together for the awards medals.
Awards of Excellence, Mount View Middle School
Gold Medal Winner: Akshay Kannan
Silver Medal Winner: Kevin Liu
Bronze Medal Winner: Julian Park
Fourth place: Jonathan Lin
Fifth Place ribbon: Stuart Zhu
Honorable Mentions:
....Kassidy Seol
....Eric Zheng
....Grace Liu
....Nihal Maddirala
....Manasvi Mamilla
Team Award: Sixth Place Trophy, State of Maryland
....Kevin Liu, team captain
....Akshay Kannan
....Jonathan Lin
....Julian Park
Percentages includes all official competitors and alternates
Individual Awards
....State Honor Roll, top 7%: Akshay Kannan
....State Honor Roll, top 16%: Jonathan Lin
....State Honor Roll, top 19%: Kevin Liu
....State Honor Roll, top 21%: Julian Park
....Top 28%: Stuart Zhu
.....Top 32%: Nihal Maddirala
.....Top 32%: Eric Zheng*
Additional high scoring students/Official State qualifiers
Grace Liu
Kassidy Seol
Manasvi Mamilla
Alternates Contest
Alternates do the same tournament as the official competitors. Although they aren't eligible to win official awards, they can rank in the alternates contest. This provides a way to acknowledge students who came close to qualifying for the official contests and gives the students the fun of doing the contest. It is considered an honor to be selected as an alternate.
.....Sixth Place, State Alternates: Eric Zheng
Additional high scoring alternates
Daniel Moyseyev
Phanishree Gunukula
Ashna Nayak
The Carderock Math Contest is held at the Naval base in Bethesda. It is one of the most prestigious middle school math contests on the Eastern Seaboard, drawing top ranked students from Maryland, DC, and Virginia. Our two Chesapeake teams competed in Division A (Port Division), which is more difficult that State Mathcounts in the caliber of teams and students competing. Team Chesapeake A1 took first place in Division A and team Chesapeake A2 took eleventh place in Division A, putting both teams on the caliber of national teams in Mathcounts.
.....Akshay Kannan , Mount View Middle School
.....Vivian Yao, Folly Quarter Middle School
.....Anthony Fei, Clarksville Middle School
.....Connor Rose, Ellicott Mills Middle School
Individual Awards
Tournament Honor Roll: Akshay Kannan
Akshay was also selected for the Chesapeake team at the American Regions Math League. The ARML tournament is one of the premier team math contests in the world. Considered the "World Series" of mathematics, it normally involves only high school students. However, exceptionally talented middle school students sometimes attend. Approximately 2000 students participated in the ARML tournament at four sites around the USA and also in various countries including Canada and abroad. Akshay tied for first place on the team of 15 high school and middle school students. In Division B, the team placed 6th in the world in the junior varsity division and 41st overall at Penn State.
School Awards
First Place School in Maryland: Mount View Middle School
Top 7% of all schools in the USA:
Mount View Middle School
Mount View is listed on the Math League web site Honor Roll. See the link below and scroll to the end of the link:
Individual Awards
Students with High Honors Scores are listed on the honor roll at the web site given above.
Perfect Score/High Honors: Julian Park
High Honors: Akshay Kannan
High Honors: Jonathan Lin
High Honors: Kevin Liu
Honors: Nihal Maddirala
Honors: Pranav Rajan
Honors: Sridhar Alagar Ramanujam
Honors: Eric Zheng
Honors: Brianna Lan
Honors: Sai Naraharisetti
....Jerry He
....Manasvi Mamilla
....Olivia Cai
....Daniel Koldobskiy
....Ashna Nayak
....Daniel Moyseyev
....Ethan Bai
....Kai Green
....Asgar Talajawala
....Sophia Cai
....Mulin Li
....Katherine Liew
....Dheeraj Naraharisetti
....Didi Zhang
....Vinita Badugu
....Nadia Ghaicepour
MVMS Gold Medal winner: Julian Park
Silver Medal winner: Akshay Kannan
Bronze Medal winner, tie: Kevin Liu
Bronze Medal winner, tie: Jonathan Lin
Julian Park received a High School Math League Problem book for his first place win.
Many of our MVMS students attended the Fort Washington tournament sponsored by the Perennial Math organization at the National Christian Academy. The tournament brought in students from Maryland and Virginia.
Grade 7 Level
.....Gold Medal Winner: Jonathan Lin
.....Bronze Medal Winner: Akshay Kannan
.....Fifth Place: Daniel Moyseyev
Grade 6 Level
.....Fifth Place tie: Olivia Cai
.....Fifth Place, tie: Brianna Lan
.....Sixth Place, tie: Nihal Maddirala
.....Sixth Place, tie: Mulin Li
.....Eighth Place, tie: Sophia Cai
.....Eighth Place, tie: Katherine Liew
.....Eighth Place, tie: Ethan Bai
Grade 3 Level (Honorary MVMS student)
....Fifth Place: Abhijit Kannan, Manor Woods Elementary School
All highly placed teams with MVMS students are shown. Names in alphabetical order.
Grade 8 Level
Seventh Place; 8 CMP Mixed A
.....Kirk Gautreau, Homeschooled
.....Nathan Morandi, Homeschooled
.....Sai Naraharisetti, Mount View Middle School
.....Shinhyeoong Park, Trinity School
.....Siddarth Shah, Mount View Middle School
Grade 7 Level
Gold Medal Winners, with a Perfect Score: 7 CMP Mixed A
.....Akshay Kannan, Mount View Middle School
.....David Li, Burleigh Manor Middle School
.....Jonathan Lin, Mount View Middle School
.....Dennis Malikov, Severna park Middle School
.....Allen Yang, Burleigh Manor Middle School
Silver Medal Winners, with a Perfect Score: 7 CMP Mixed C
.....August Hao, Clarksville Middle School
.....Joel Mao, Folly Quarter Middle School
.....Daniel Moyseyev, Mount View Middle School
.....Eulalia Voo, Hammond Middle School
.....Rebecca Wu, Murray Hill Middle School
Grade 6 Level
Gold Medal Winners, with a Perfect Score: 6 CMP Mixed A
.....Nihal Maddirala, Mount View Middle School
.....Vincent Martucci Bond, Homeschooled
.....Roy Sharma, Glenelg Country School
.....Anurag Sodhi, Burleigh Manor Middle School
.....Jason Wang, Ellicott Mills Middle School
Bronze Medal Winners: 6 Mount View Middle School A
.....Sridhar Alagar Ramanujam
.....Olivia Cai
.....Sophia Cai
.....Jerry He
.....Mulin Li
Fifth Place Team: 6 CMP Mixed C
.....Ethan Bai, Mount View Middle School
.....Samrudhi Gowda, Benjamin Banneker Middle School
.....Alex Morandi, Anne Arundel Homeschoolers
.....Dheeraj Naidu Naraharisetti, Mount View Middle School
.....Reina Ouyang, Robert Frost Middle School
Sixth Place Team: 6 Mount View Middle School B
Vinita Badugu
Nadia Ghaicepour
Brianna Lan
Katherine Liew
Tarini Munnangi
Grade 3 Level: Honorary MVMS students :-)
Gold Medal: Abhijit Kannan's mixed team came in first in the grade 3 division.
Silver Medal: Yukthi Naraharisetti's mixed team came in second in the grade 3 division.
That's it! Please join me in congratulating our students for the amazing job they have done this year!
Best regards -- Catherine