Grade 6 Families - Save these Dates!

August 30: Grade 6 and New Student Orientation

  • Session 1, Grade 6 Last names A - L, 12 noon to 1pm
  • Session 2, Grade 6 Last names M - Z and all new 7th and 8th grade students, 1:45 pm to 2:45 pm

September 13 -   Back to School Night

September 13 - Parent Chaperone for Outdoor Ed request forms are due.

September 14 - Chaperones will be notified if they are chosen.

September 20 - Outdoor Ed Parent Info Meeting, 6 to 7 pm in the cafeteria.

September 21 - Payment and forms are due to your student's science teacher.

October 3,4,5 -   Outdoor Education Overnight Fieldtrip  (Cost is $165).