Fall Testing

On 9/22 and 9/28 each student at MVMS will engage in early Fall MCAP testing. These are the postponed state tests from last spring.

  • 9/22 ELA, everyone will test periods 1, 2, 6, and 7.
  • 9/28 Math and Science, everyone will test math periods 2 and 3.  6th graders will test science during periods 4 and 5.
  • 9/22 and 9/28 ALT ELA and ALT Math (only for those in the ALT program).
  • Makeup assessments - TBD

On the night before testing:

  • Get a good night sleep
  • Charge your MVMS laptop
  • Pack wired headphones

On the day of testing:

  • Get to school on time and plan to stay the whole day
  • Bring your charged MVMS Chromebook (testing must be done on an HCPSS Chromebook)
  • Bring wired headphones (not bluetooth connected) for the ELA assessment


Tuesday, September 28, 2021 (All day)